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Construction Injuries

Construction sites pose potential danger to individuals with their massive, unwieldy equipment, scaffolding, trenching, and hazardous chemicals. There are many types of construction accidents which can cause injury, including: crane accidents, tractor/forklift accidents, nail guns, defective/dangerous machinery, slip/trip and falls, scaffolding accidents, compressed gas accidents, falling objects, falls, electrocutions, chemical exposure, explosions, welding accidents, and a failure to supervise.


Federal and state laws require contractors to adhere to specific safety regulations. However, not all contractors are vigilant about following these safety regulations and training new workers on safety protocols. The pressure to get jobs done quickly, efficiently, and cheaply can lead to cutting corners and dangerous mistakes. Likewise, because many construction sites are being worked on simultaneously by numerous contractors, suppliers and vendors, the simplest safety measures are often forgotten.


If you have been injured at a construction site due to the negligence of an employer or company, you are eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills, loss of wages, pain and suffering.


At Coughlan and Vinel, we have extensive experience working with victims of catastrophic personal injury at construction sites. We approach each of our cases with compassion toward the families. We have a small caseload so that we can give each client the same level of attention, passion and care that we would give our own family members, ensuring that you can prioritize healing and recovery for your family members.


Construction Workers
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